Angiography is a procedure that uses combination of X-rays and specialized dyes to examine internal structure of heart. Coronary artery supplies blood to the heart tissues; thereby supplying it with all the essential nutrients and oxygenated blood. Coronary angiography assesses coronary artery to check for presence of blockages or injuries.
Doctor will give you a list of few precautions that are to be followed prior to the angiography surgery. You must not eat anything or drink any other fluids apart from water for at least four hours before the surgery. Also, you need to inform your doctor about over-the-counter medications you are currently taking. Blood thinner medications such as aspirin etc. would also be discontinued for few days before the surgery.
Patient will be administered with local anesthesia during the surgical process. Through an incision made on arm, neck or groin, catheter is inserted. From there, it is slowly guided towards the heart. Dye is injected into the body which helps in capturing precise and clear images of heart through a series of X-rays. By examining these images, doctors are able to locate the exact place in the coronary artery where blockages are present.
Procedure of coronary angiography takes approximately 3-5 hours to complete. After that, patient is put under recovery and healing process. Depending upon your recovery and number of complications, doctor will decide about your stay in the hospital. Usually, patient is required to stay in the hospital for couple of days. One can resume his/her daily activities but, approach exercise; especially heavy weight training exercises, with caution. Consult with doctor before you resume your exercise regime.