Coronary angiography is a procedure that is used to treat blockages in cardiac blood vessels. If these blockages are not treated on time, this can become fatal. In absence of oxygen rich blood, no organ is able to sustain and perform its function, resulting in organ failure.
To perform coronary angiography, anesthesia is administered. The procedure makes use of catheter - which is a flexible tube that has a camera attached to it. Through an incision made on arm, neck or groin, catheter is inserted and it is slowly guided towards cardiovascular region. Once, it reaches its desired place, dye is injected and x-ray images are captured. This makes cardiac images appear clear on computer screen and cardiac surgeon is able to remove blockages.
There are certain rules you need to follow prior to the procedure. One should not eat anything for at least 4 hours prior to angiography. One may drink only few sips of water. Also, medications such as aspirin or blood thinners are prohibited for few days before the surgery as they may interfere with the surgical procedure and increase unnecessary complications.
Coronary angiography procedure is considered to be absolutely safe and takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete. It rarely leads to major complications. If you suffer burning sensation in heart or experience chest pain after few days of procedure, it is better to consult with your cardiologist.
Keep your diet healthy and slowly start exercising. Heavy strength training workouts and cardio exercises are not allowed for few weeks after the procedure. Hence, consult with your cardiologist before you resume your exercise schedule.