Giving birth to a child is a unique and very special process. Normal delivery and cesarean delivery are the two methods by which a women can deliver her child. In caesarean section delivery process, anesthesia is administered to the pregnant women and child is brought into the world through incisions made on abdomen and uterus.
Generally, C-Section delivery method is employed only in the case when normal delivery is not possible. Doctors first try to make circumstances favorable for normal delivery but if its not possible, then caesarean delivery has to be performed.
Few reasons why C-Section can be performed:
Some women may be physically weak to push the baby via normal delivery. In such cases, their efforts might fall short and they wont be able to continue to push further. To avoid such situation, C-Section delivery an be preferred.
If a women goes into labor before due date, or if there are unexpected complications, or baby has broken amniotic sac, then it can be a reason why C-Section delivery can be performed. Mostly, when delivery is performed much before due date, then C-Section delivery is performed.
If a woman is carrying twins or triplets, it becomes very difficult for a woman to push them out. If a woman is delivering more than one baby, caesarean delivery has to be performed.
Resuscitative hysterectomy is a type of caesarean delivery carried out for the welfare of the baby in case a woman faces cardiac arrest. This calls for an emergency situation.
General pattern of birth for the baby is first head down. But, if the baby comes out in breech position - bottom first and then head, complications in birth increase. This calls out for caesarean delivery.
To undergo smooth delivery, make sure you consult your gynaecologist on regular basis and do some exercise. Exercise increases strength of pelvic muscles and helps you undergo delivery sans any complications.