A Cesarean Section Surgery or C-Section Surgery, is a delivery procedure of a baby using surgical incisions in the mother's abdomen and uterus. This procedure is mainly undertaken if there are complications in the baby's delivery.
Given below is a list of hospitals that provide cesarean section surgery in Pune.
C-section method of delivery is used when the pregnant woman is unable to deliver the baby through her vagina. This inability can be due to some complications in the pregnancy or occurrence of risks for the mother and/or the baby.
A C-section Surgery can be conducted for various reasons.
Sometimes, women are physically weak during the delivery process and they find it difficult to push through, for the baby to come out. In such cases, the doctor asks the woman's permission to change the method of delivery into C-section. Some cases include C-section as the maternal choice.
C-section method of delivery can be used if a pregnant woman requires urgent delivery of the baby due to various complications. These complications might have surfaced during the operation or pregnancy period. To avoid risks for the baby and the mother, doctors opt for using C-section method for delivery.
When a woman carries more than one baby in her womb, there is around 75% chance that the delivery will be conducted using a C-section Surgery.
This is an emergency cesarean delivery where the woman faces a cardiac arrest. For the welfare of the baby, cesarean operation is carried out.
If the baby exits the pelvis with the buttocks or feet first, it is known as a breech presentation of the birth. Unlike normal representation (head – first representation), the bottom-down position of the baby can be problematic during birth. Hence, cesarean operations are conducted during such cases.
The above data briefs about cesarean section surgery and its requirements. Doctors can give you a prior idea about C-section surgery if you already have any complications in your pregnancy. Make sure you consult your doctor to clear all your doubts during your pregnancy.