Our eyes contain cone cells which enable us to view colors. But, over the years, cells of eyes degenerate and become weak. This leads to condition called as cataract which can be defined as blurring of vision due to clouding of eye lens. Surgery is one of the best approaches to treat cataract.
Browse through the list mentioned below to get an idea regarding cost of multifocal cataract surgery offered by various ophthalmology medical units in Ghaziabad.
Multifocal cataract surgery is conducted by replacing clouded eye lens by synthetic multifocal lens. Major advantage of multifocal eye lens is that its focal point is adjusted in such a way that patient is able to perceive nearby objects and objects at a distance clearly without the help of spectacles. Hence, multifocal lens are the most preferred intra-ocular types since they provide comfort to the patient by eliminating the need of wearing spectacles.
Post multi-focal cataract surgery, patient is required to wear glares for initial few days to protect their eyes from dust and pollution and also from hazardous ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. Patient has to ensure that he does not exert any undue pressure over eye muscles to accelerate process of healing. Also, consumption of foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, musk melons, papaya etc., help in restoring health of eyes.
Remember that you must not ignore this eye disorder as it may cause blindness. Thus, it is a good idea to give a visit to your ophthalmologist whenever symptoms of cataract set in.