Multitude of people suffer from sinusitis which is not a very serious infection. Functional endoscopic surgery is the procedure for treating sinus issues through which breathing issues get cured and also quality of life improves considerably.
Rates of FESS sinus surgery offered by different hospitals in Ghaziabad are listed below along with basic contact details for reference.
The preparation time before the sinus surgery day is very important as it indirectly contributes in successful outcome of procedure. Hence, smoking should be avoided for few weeks before surgery and few weeks post it.
Undergoing physical examination before the procedure helps the doctor determine your overall fitness levels. You need to undergo a CT-scan too prior to sinus surgery as the results help the doctor know the severity of your sinus.
The doctor may advise you to discontinue vitamin supplements and any blood thinning medication for avoiding intervention with a successful outcome.
FESS is an outpatient procedure. It is initiated after the doctor injects an anesthetic into the patient. An endoscope that is a tube-like instrument having a light and camera on either ends is inserted into sinus opening for examining blockages. Other surgical devices are subsequently inserted through the endoscope to access the blockages and remove them.
The procedure carries few advantages which is why FESS is the preferred type over the other techniques of sinus surgeries. Few of the benefits are as listed below: