Haemodialysis or Kidney Dialysis is a treatment for kidney failure that uses a machine to filter blood outside your body. Kidney failure occurs when one or both the kidneys lose their ability to perform their basic functions. One of the most important function of the kidneys includes elimination of waste materials from the blood.
A dialysis machine is used to carry out the haemodialysis process. Dialysis machine consists of a computer, CRT, a pump and a facility for disposable tubes and filters. The filters are cylindrical in shape that act as artificial kidneys. They contain a filter material inside, covered with plastic on the outside. Before undertaking a dialysis process, patient's blood pressure and body temperature is checked.
During the dialysis procedure, the pump and timer is started. After every half an hour, patient's Blood Pressure (BP) is checked. Most patients who undergo dialysis, are asked to consume moderate to severe fluid restrictive diets. This is because kidney failure includes inability to regulate fluid levels in the body in a proper manner. Each session of haemodialysis removes around 2-5 kg of fluid from the patient. Removal of fluid affects the BP. Hence, the amount of fluid that should be removed is calculated before dialysis based on the some health factors.
After kidney dialysis process, the patient is disconnected from the machine. Wounds of needle are bandaged with cotton gauze and taped in place. A kidney dialysis process is similar to drawing blood from the system, although, it is lengthier and amount of blood lost is more. Doctor will measure your vitals again after this treatment. Change in body temperature may indicate infections. Patients can go home once their suitable condition is stated normal.
Patients can experience weakness after the procedure. Sometimes, your whole body can ache. This “wash-out” syndrome may begin towards the end of the treatment. It can last for 30 minutes to 14 hours. Patients are asked you consume light meal during this period.